Describe the activities you volunteered for. Why did you choose them?
I volunteered as a counselor. Since I studied to be one, I think that I can effectively help in TRF by rendering counseling services.
What were your expectations as a volunteer?
All of my expectations as a spiritual counselor were met. Looking forward though, I would like to be involved more in one-on-one counseling. That way I can help patients and their family members more, journeying with them as they face difficult challenges in life.
How has the experience changed your life? What are your key reflections/lessons?
No matter what situation a person is going through, bringing the love of God to them by listening to what they feel and praying for them makes such a difference.nThis experience has stirred up my compassion for others so much. I always feel my heart smiling after each home visitation.
I have also come to realize that since our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we should take good care of it by choosing to eat healthy.