Transformation through Care: J’s Journey with the Happy Room Project

In a heartwarming initiative to improve living conditions for 4-year-old J*, diagnosed with 4th Stage Gonadal Yolk Sac Tumor, volunteers and staff from The Ruth Foundation (TRF) have undertaken a remarkable Happy Room Project.

J has been under TRF's care since April 6, 2024. Upon visiting his home in Parañaque, it was clear that his living environment posed significant challenges. Situated on the second level, the house had hazardous conditions with cramped spaces, inadequate lighting, and poor ventilation. These conditions not only compromised J's health but also restricted his ability to play freely and feel secure.

The Happy Room Project, initiated by TRF, aimed to transform J’s living space into a safer, more comfortable haven tailored to his needs. Planning began in May, with renovations starting in late May and concluding on June 18, 2024. Central to the project was the involvement of J's parents: his mother, a dedicated housewife, and his father, a skilled carpenter working in construction. Leveraging his father's expertise, TRF provided essential materials, including paint, rollers, and linoleum, to enhance the home's functionality and aesthetics. Generous donations from volunteers, including TRF staff, doctors, ESSEC Business School student volunteers, Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) Students, and SISC Clinical Instructors, further supplemented the renovation efforts.

Over the course of approximately three weeks, the project team meticulously addressed every aspect of J’s environment. They installed curtains and wall fans for improved ventilation, rearranged furniture to optimize space, and adorned walls with cheerful paint to create a vibrant atmosphere. The Happy Room Project goes beyond physical renovations; it's about creating a nurturing environment where J can thrive despite his medical challenges.

As the final touches were put in place, the community's spirit of generosity and compassion shone brightly. Volunteers and staff rallied around J’s and his family, demonstrating the power of collective action in making a meaningful difference in a young child's life. J’s story serves as a reminder of the transformative impact that simple acts of kindness and community support can have on individuals and families facing adversity. Moving forward, J’s newly refurbished Happy Room stands as a beacon of hope and resilience, a testament to what can be achieved when compassion meets action in the service of those in need.

-From the desk of Mikee Hafalla

*Names have been changed for privacy reasons.