From this study we identify the intensified emotions of bereavement in the face of a pandemic, the factors associated with them and learn from the innovative responses and insights from the bereaved’s immediate community as we describe the power of shared words through technology.
TRF Annual Christmas Party
Here are a few fun outtakes from our company Christmas party last December 9. Opportunities like these, to share joy and camaraderie with one another, are priceless. We are grateful to all who have supported us for 2016. Happy holidays from our group to yours!

A Season of Hope
November ELNEC-Core at SLMC-BGC
Written by Niki Guloy
As the last effort for the year under our Leadership for H.O.P.E. Education Program, we held an End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium certification course at St. Luke’s Medical Center in BGC last November 11. Over 30 participants, including nurses, students and doctors, joined us for the one-day training.

View more photos at The Ruth Foundation Facebook page.
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