Chosen Children Village Foundation (CCVF) at Silang, Cavite provides a home environment with a family setting for abandoned children with physical and mental disabilities. 9 members of The Ruth Foundation team were privileged enough to visit their facility yesterday, March 3, 2020.
They were welcomed by Mr. Adrian Mendoza (Executive Assistant), Dr. Erbito Asinas (GP, In-house doctor), and Mr. Joshua Flores (Social Worker) who toured them around the facility.
The initial goal of this visit was to take a breather from the regular office work and home visits done by the team. This visit acted as an avenue to deepen each member’s empathy. TRF also found this visit as an opportunity to look into considering CCVF as a possible partner in the Compassionate Communities Campaign.
The main highlights of this visit was dropping by the Toddler’s House where Kuya Dan had an immediate connection with one of the children in CCVF’s care. Seeing the Rehabilitation Center was also remarkable, wherein the highly functional differently-abled (those with Down Syndrome/ Trisomy 21) youth care for the low-functional differently-abled children/youth.
One of the takeaways is that empowerment is important – even those children/youth with special needs can work with the team, therefore we can find ways to empower our able patients and their families to be partners of care and find more creative ways to work hand-in-hand with them.
If you would like to know more about Chosen Children Village Foundation, visit