Three-Part Guidance Documents for Palliative Care of Patients including those with Life-Threatening Illness

The Philippine Society of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (PSHPM) and Hospice Philippines, through the support of The Ruth Foundation and the Philippine Society of Public Health Physicians (PSPHP), is providing guidance documents for communities, RHUs and hospitals especially outside cities. These recommendations are useful in the COVID situation as health facilities and hospitals are in the ECQ and GCQ scenarios. These guidelines are designed for physicians and health professionals in the community, district and provincial hospitals. The annexes contain useful algorithms and matrices that may be adapted by hospitals and communities.

The Guidance Documents

Part 1: Care for Palliative and Bedridden Patients in Communities on Enhanced Community Quarantine

This guide is written for community health workers including Municipal Health Officers, RHU physicians, public health nurses, other RHU staff and community health workers so they can strengthen local resources and provide advice to family members/ caregivers with palliative patients.

Part 2: Guidance for Palliative, Hospice and Bereavement Care for COVID-19 and other Patients facing Life-Threatening Illness in Hospitals

This guidance document is especially prepared for physicians, nurses and officials in level 1 and level 2 private or public hospitals. These are re-commendatory guidelines coming from experts in palliative and hospice care using the best evidence and practice in the current public health emergency.

Part 3: Triage Decisions, Shared Decision Making and Advanced Care Planning for COVID-19: A Guidance Document for Levels 2 & 3 Health Care Facilities

This document aims to guide the process for Shared Decision Making and Advance Directives. It is for health professionals including doctors, nurses and hospital management especially those with COVID-19 and other patients facing life-threatening illness. It is most relevant in L2 and L3 hospitals where COVID patients may be referred. These include Provincial and Regional Government Hospitals as well as private hospitals of the same level.

Click this button for access to additional guidance documents

The will open a link that contains other useful technical documents such as:
1. The link to the ESMO COVID Palliative Care Pathways
2. E-Book on Palliative Care Guidelines for COVID-19 Pandemic, Task Force in
Palliative Care, Kerala, India
3. Ethics Guidelines on COVID-19: Crisis-Level Hospital Care, Ethics Study Group,
University of the Philippines Manila

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