
Written by: Dr. Raymond Cruz

Happiness is a matter of choice. You can decide to be happy, and the world looks great. Or you can wallow in misery, and everything seems ugly.  

At the end of our lives, when we contemplate on all our accomplishments, would we be able to look back on all things that made us happy?  What are the things that would most probably come up as happiness promoters or happiness slayers?

Let’s try to look at the things that reinforce happiness.

  1.  Relaxation
    Remember that vacation you had where you just left all your worries at home or at work?  How was it? How was the place? Who were you with? These relaxing moments were cherished and documented.  Just thinking about it relieves stress.

  2. Affection
    Reciprocated love is undoubtedly exhilarating.  Recall that “I love you too” day. How was the first time?  Even if the affection was unrequited, its mere expression is enough to elevate the senses.

  3. A great job
    Did you choose a job that maximized your skills?  Or did you choose your job for its monetary benefits alone?   A job becomes a source of happiness when it does one thing: benefit and help others.  If it only benefits the self, the job eventually loses its ardour and becomes unpalatable.  But a great job that uplifts the status of many is a source of great pride and pleasure.

  4. Creative Endeavours
    Man is inherently creative.  But circumstances hinder man’s ability to discover things – it could be fear, the opinion of others, or a lack of opportunity.  Even at the end of our lives, we can still “create” memories that shape our legacy.

  5. Winning
    Did you engage in sports?  How did it feel to come out on top?  What did the team do to celebrate? What was the reward for success?  Look at the trophies, plaques, medals, and all the accolades accumulated through the years.  These prove that hard work and perseverance pays off in the end.

  6. Appreciation
    “Thank you for making a difference”.  The mere sound of gratitude produces endorphins that last a long time.  No amount of money can buy the happiness that comes from being appreciated and revered.

  7. Serving Others
    Did you make a difference in other people’s lives?  Were you a positive influence? If you said yes, who did you influence, and what was the outcome of that influence or service?  Serving others, without expecting anything in return, is a source of happiness in itself. Even those with mental illness benefit from little acts of service towards their fellowmen.

  8. Good Health
    Health is a prerequisite to good performance.  When the body is strong and capable, more is done.  The mere thought of being healthy, even if it just in the mind, makes one capable of doing significant things.
    Let us all strive for these happiness promoters.  When everything is said and done, these will sustain us through difficult times – telling us that life is truly worthwhile.  

Now, if there are promoters, there are the happiness killers.  Avoid these at all costs.

  1.  Boredom
    Keep busy.  Even when retiring from a lifetime of work, look for a worthy cause to focus on.  This keeps the mind engaged and the body in tip-top shape. Spending life in uselessness is a downward path to loneliness.

  2. Neglect
    Have you seen someone living alone, not by choice, but by forced circumstance?  Never neglect others, for you could also get neglected someday.  

  3. Sedentary Lifestyle
    Again, stay active.  Exercise sharpens the saw that enables achievements.  Debilitating illnesses stem from inactivity. The downward spiral resulting from a sedentary lifestyle is a highly preventable situation – it just takes more discipline and dedication.

  4. Negativity
    Whiners are losers.  Don’t be one. And don’t drag others down with misery.  Nobody loves a person who pulls them to the depths of despair.  You may fell important while spreading negativity, but in reality it only pulls everyone down to the depths of despair.  

  5. Vices
    Anything in excess is potentially dangerous.  Food, medicine, and entertainment is inherently good.  But if it leads to addiction, it is a surefire path to grief.  Seek help from experts if you fall in this trap. It is never too late.

The true source of happiness lies within us.  May we find it in our daily lives and pursue it with the end in sight – to be with our Creator when the time comes.